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We benchmark Sony Xperia Z Ultra’s Snapdragon 800

| 31 Juli 2013
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The Sony Xperia Z Ultra is not only an enormous 6.4″ beast of a phablet but it also belongs to a very exclusive group of devices that have the Snapdragon 800 chipset up and running. We got our hands on the device once again and this time we even managed to run a few synthetic benchmarks and see how much of a performance update you are actually getting.
The device should be very zippy courtesy of four Krait 400 cores clocked way up at 2.2 GHz and 2 gigs of RAM. The graphics are dealt with by the latest Adreno 330 GPU, which we’ve heard does a pretty good job.
So let’s look at the numbers. With the hardware specifics out of the way the only thing left to do is analyze the scores. First comes BenchmarkPi, which gives a premium on per-core calculations performance. Here the Sony Xperia Z Ultra was a point shy of tying the first spot – an impressive result indeed, but not quite the one we expected.

Benchmark Pi

Lower is better
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 GPE118
  • Sony Xperia Z Ultra119
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 (Octa)132
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 (S600)132
  • HTC One GPE145
  • HTC One151
  • Sony Xperia Z264
  • HTC Butterfly266
  • Oppo Find 5267
  • HTC One X+280
  • LG Optimus G285
  • Samsung Galaxy Note II305
  • HTC One X (Tegra 3)330
  • LG Optimus 4X HD350
  • Samsung Galaxy S III359
  • Meizu MX 4-core362
  • Nexus 4431
Geekbench 2 is a CPU and memory benchmark and is a pretty good place to compare devices running on different platforms. Here, the Xperia Z Ultra scored an impressive victory over its Android rivals, while the Apple iPhone 5 simply got blown out of the water.

Geekbench 2

Higher is better
  • Sony Xperia Z Ultra3889
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 (Octa)3324
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 (S600)3227
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 GPE3211
  • HTC One GPE2458
  • HTC One2708
  • Sony Xperia Z2173
  • HTC Butterfly2143
  • Samsung Galaxy S III1845
  • LG Optimus G1723
  • LG Optimus 4X HD1661
  • Apple iPhone 51601
And finally AnTuTu, a compound benchmark. The Sony Xperia Z Ultra totally wipes the floor with the opposition once again, beating the previous best score by nearly 30%.


Higher is better
  • Sony Xperia Z Ultra33832
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 (Octa)26275
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 GPE25755
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 (S600)24716
  • HTC One22678
  • Sony Xperia Z20794
  • HTC One GPE18919
  • HTC Butterfly19513
  • Samsung Galaxy S III15547
  • Oppo Find 515167
These results are really the most impressive we’ve seen on a production device even if the CPU-only test turned out surprisingly low (we’ll be redoing that with another unit when we get the smartphone in our office). The new Snapdragon 800 chipset is certainly shaping up to be the beast everyone expected it to become and will most probably be the yardstick against which all other chipsets will be measured for at least another six months (that’s ages in smartphone time).

We benchmark Sony Xperia Z Ultra’s Snapdragon 800

Posted by : Gibson Uisu Manajemen NPM 71200312117
Date :31 Juli 2013
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Sebuah Apartemen Terbakar karena Samsung Galaxy S4

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apartemen terbakar
Sebuah berita heboh dating dari Hongkong, Seperti pemberitaan yang dikutip dari Xianguo, Rabu (31/7/2013) menuliskan bahwa sebuah apartemen di Hong Kong terbakar akibat Galaxy S4.
Kronologi kejadian terbakarnya apartemen ini yang beredar menyatakan bahwa Mr Du sedang memainkan sebuah game di perangkat Galaxy S4 miliknya, akan tetapi tiba-tiba perangkat tersebut terbakar. Dengan reflek Mr. Du melemparkan heandset besutan Samsung tersebut ke sofa, kejadian tambah parah karena ternyata api yang dihasilkan dari perangkat yang terbakar tersebut membakar sofa dan menjalar ke seluruh isi apartemen.
Untung saja si pemilik apartemen berhasil menyelamatkan diri bersama istrinya tanpa ada luka yang serius.
Petugas pemadam kebakaran berhasil menjinakan api 30 kemudian, dan berdasarkan keterangan yang didapatkan dari tim pemadam, tidak ada hal hal yang mencurikanan yang kemungkinan menjadi penyebab kebakaran seperti konsleting atau juga sabotase.
Jika kita kemarin mendengar bahwa penyebab kebakaran dari perangkat elektronik ini dikarena tidak menggunakan aksesoris asli, lain halnya dengan kejadian kebakaran ini. Berdasarkan keterangan dari sang pemilik, Menyatakan bahwa dia memakai aksesoris original dari Samsung termasuk baterai dan charger.
Sampai berita ini dibuat belum ada keterangan resmi yang diberikan oleh pihak Samsung terhadap peristiwa yang cukup menghebohkan ini.

Sebuah Apartemen Terbakar karena Samsung Galaxy S4

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Sony Xperia ZR battery life test breakdown

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The Sony Xperia ZR is the little brother of the Xperia Z and Xperia ZL, and boasts pretty much every key specification they have. The major is the 4.55″ 720p display, which should be kinder to the equally large 2300 mAh battery inside the phone.
Identical chipsets and batteries plus a smaller screen of lower resolution give the Xperia ZR every chance of beating its premium rivals.
Let’s kick the battery test off with 3G talk time. The Sony Xperia ZR did 17 hours and 48 minutes of 3G calls before its 2300mAh battery went flat. That’s nearly 5 hours more than Sony officially says the phone is capable of, which is quite impressive on its own, but even more so considering that its better than the Xperia Z achievement by a bit over an hour and a half.

Talk time

  • Huawei Ascend Mate25:12
  • Motorola RAZR i20:07
  • BlackBerry Q1020:00
  • Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.319:54
  • Sony Xperia SP19:49
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 (S600)18:03
  • Sony Xperia ZR17:48
  • Samsung Galaxy Note II N710016:57
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 Active16:40
  • Sony Xperia Z16:03
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 zoom15:32
  • LG Optimus G15:30
  • Pantech Burst4:46
The good news continue with the web browsing test. Here, the Sony Xperia ZR tops everything we’ve ever tested by scoring 11 hours and 20 minutes. The combination of Chrome as a default browser and the smaller screen are probably to thank for this great result.

Web browsing

  • Sony Xperia ZR11:20
  • BlackBerry Q510:04
  • HTC One9:58
  • Apple iPhone 59:56
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 mini9:47
  • Motorola RAZR MAXX (ICS)9:12
  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus3:01
We now arrive at the final test – video playback. Here, the Xperia ZR did alright, but nothing breathtaking. Thanks to its 720p screen it beat the 1080p display rocking Xperia Z (5:39) and Xperia ZL (5:28) by scoring two hours more – 7 hours and 30 minutes. That’s not a particularly impressive score, but it’s not half bad either.
We ran the test with Mobile BRAVIA 2 turned on as we believed that’s how most users will be using their smartphones. Nevertheless, even with it switched off, the battery life wasn’t affected in a noticable way.

Video playback

  • Motorola RAZR MAXX (ICS)16:35
  • Samsung Galaxy S III mini7:46
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia neo V7:45
  • Asus Padfone 27:38
  • Huawei Ascend P17:38
  • Samsung Galaxy S Blaze 4G7:33
  • Sony Xperia ZR7:30
  • HTC Droid DNA7:30
  • Samsung Galaxy Note LTE7:30
  • Samsung Galaxy Xcover 27:30
  • Sony Xperia SP7:27
  • Nokia Lumia 6107:23
  • Nokia Lumia 7103:27
In the end, thanks to its efficient talk times and optimized web browsing, the Xperia ZR managed to pull off an endurance rating of 62 hours. We did experience strange battery drains on a couple of occasions when we left the phone idle overnight, so it wasn’t always so great when it comes to stand-by, though.

Sony Xperia ZR battery life test breakdown

Posted by : Gibson Uisu Manajemen NPM 71200312117
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